Tackle Your Closet Editing for Spring


As soon as warm weather arrives, we can’t wait to begin packing away all those bulky winter clothes! It also means there isn’t a better time to kick off a spring closet clean out.

It can be hard letting go of pieces that once were exciting purchases or those that were long time favorites but are no longer working. And of course there are always those "hey, you never know when I might need this" pieces! As the space in your closet fails to expand with your ever growing wardrobe, it’s time to assess which items still work in terms of fit, style and function.


The goal of editing is not only to make space, but more importantly, to remove excess decision making and “emotional baggage”. Let’s take the “black pants” example. When our closet has 8-12 pair, suddenly putting on black pants and a top becomes a chore. How many of us flip through each pair with a familiar list in our heads… this pair is too long, this pair is too tight, this pair is faded, this pair has baggy butt, this pair gaps at the waist… and the list goes on! By removing pieces from the closet that no longer serve us dressing becomes faster, easier and more fun. And that one pair of black pants we keep looks great every time!

Of course this does create space for new pieces! The key is to choose items that work seamlessly with each other as well as with what’s already in your closet. This is how to exponentially expand your outfit options.

How a closet edit works with Unfoldid:

First, we ensure your wardrobe contains The Essentials you need for any outfit. Our Top Essentials lists outline the basic foundation pieces you need in your wardrobe for everyday and for any occasion. You won't have to worry about shopping last minute for an event or occasion, you'll have the essential pieces to create any outfit already in your wardrobe.

Then, we’ll help you to uncover habits that may be holding you back, such as buying the wrong cuts for your silhouette or the wrong colors for your skin tone. Or maybe it’s simply that you are not adding the versatile pieces you need to easily expand your outfit options. For example, do you ever feel like the pieces in your closet are very similar to each other? Or feel like you are buying the same thing over and over? When assessing your wardrobe, it’s also time to decide whether to consign, donate, tailor or toss! 

Finally, we help you to create a targeted shopping list of new items that will make outfit creation a breeze. You learn to expand your wardrobe in away that fits your lifestyle and builds a beautifully balanced wardrobe just for you!

Ready to tackle your closet? Let our professionals help with our Closet Editing service.